I am and will continue to pray for a fellow Blogger as she starts her series next week on the Sanctity of Human Life Week culminating on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 24, 2010.

As many of us who are Prolife Christians know Abortion is not an easy topic and it is not one everyone wants to read about, but the TRUTH is Abortion is the largest Killer in our country today and those who do not want to read about it are in need of guidance and prayer.

So tonight and each night till Sunday the 24th (and beyond that) I will be praying for those who are unaware of the pain and suffering abortion give our nations women and those who support them. Brooke is an amazing person who is taking up the challenge of writing about this "tabooed" topic, May the Lord Bless her and guide her in the week ahead. Click here to see Brooke's blog   http://www.brookemcglothlin.com/

So WAKE UP and read about what is going on in our Nation.  WAKE UP People!


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