Day Five - Seeing Life From God's View

What is your Life? James 4:14b (NIV)

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anais Nin

"Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." Luke 16:10a (NIV)

Question to consider: What has happened to me recently that I now know was a test from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?

I am not sure if I can truly answer the first question, as I am a new follower of Christ and the Gospel of the Lord. I do see that things have changed in our house since the time that I started to follow the Lord, and since the time I started to volunteer at a Christian Non Profit. We have been tested in our relationships and in our financial needs and wants. Troy and I have been tested more and more as parents and we have been brought together by what challenges us everyday.

Little things in our day to day life pop up more often now then they did before. I never felt so challenged as I do today and everyday in the past 6 months. Many things speak of being tests of the Lord, but if they are tests only the Lord only he knows for sure, and will provide me with answers when I stand before him. So I try my hardest to work through those tests, and await the results or my grades as I pray on my knees before him.

What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?

WOW - My first answer would be my children and my family. Raising children is a challenge and a gift. It is a chance to show the next generation that they can be anything and everything they want to be as long as they Trust in the Lord. I know I need to teach our children how to take care of what they have been given and understand that they are loved my God and should trust in God, as much as I have trusted Him to lead my family to eternal peace and love. I am entrusted to take of the earth and all that we have been given by the Lord.

If looking at my position in the Non Profit I work for, I have been entrusted with the faith of others in our Pro Life Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center, and their faith in the Lord to provide what we need to keep our doors open and to be able to spread his Gospel. The Lord has asked me to serve him within one of his greatest missions, to serve him and all his children with all my heart and all my professional skills. For this I feel like I have been asked to help carry on life not only with my own children but within the hearts and minds of so many young women and so many who support this amazing ministry.

I am hoping that this is what the Lord is entrusting me with.


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