Good Friday

Good friday was an amazing experience for me - It was so great to see an artistic and visual account of the last day and minutes of Jesus on the Cross over 2000 years ago. Between readings, music and a visualy building of a cross in front of me, I can say that I was blessed to witness it and encounted the lord in such a way.

I went in unaware of what the service would offer me and left with a sense of being cleaned of all my sins. Plenty of Sins were up lifted to Jesus that night! I layed it out for him, as if I had to? I just wanted to give it all to him and thank him for dying on the cross so that I could be cleaned of all my sins over and over again.

I must say that SPCC is doing amazing things in our lives - just tonight out four year old was drawing and he drew a cross, and explained how it was the corss of Jesus! "Good job Dylan, we said" then he went on to tell us how he died on the cross, and we asked "the that happened? he told us that he came to life again for us all! WOW - this just means that it is being learned, it is working, this little mind is absorbing the word of God - he gets it! And that is AWESOME!


Unknown said…
Wow! So encouraging to hear.
Karen said…
Thanks so much for sharing! Makes my heart happy :)

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